Industrial laser cleaning

Tool cleaning in industry is an integral part of production – year after year we can see more and more advanced and effective solutions.

Based on years of experience in working with many manufacturers supplying cleaning machines, we have chosen comprehensive customer support as our priority. Not only do we take care of the right choice of machine for your needs, but we also provide training, professional service and continuous technical and substantive support in the field of operation of the purchased technology.


EMTECH IPH GROUP offers tools and services to reduce production downtime by several times. Laser cleaning is a non-abrasive method and requires no prior disassembly or cooling of the machines. It offers the possibility to clean the injection molds directly in production. Customers gain the comfort of planning a work schedule. Our specialists take care of all their needs – the highest level of service has become our priority.


We guarantee that you will enjoy working with our team. Contact us and see how we can help you. 

Laser cleaning - our projects:

Realizacje-czyszczenie laserem

Czyszczenie bez demontażu?

Oszczędność czasu i zasobów w procesie czyszczenia maszyn stanowi kluczowy element efektywnejprodukcji. Tradycyjne metody wymagające demontażu elementów maszyn generują niepotrzebneprzestoje w produkcji, co prowadzi do

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